Tuesday 25 December 2007


xmas is now past.
I am far from finishing my studies for the exam in January.
I dont think I can.
I dont dare to hope.
I cant swallow this failure yet again, can I?
I am really pressurized.
pv=pv. I can feel my heart pumping so hard to squeeze the blood through my veins.
on the verge of Snapping.
Pray for me. Please.
Thank you.

Monday 24 December 2007

me and sushi?

i stayed a few weeks at my bro's place before i finally moved into my own place..i learned to make really easy salmon sushi...its really basic..um, cook the rice, i bought fragrant thai rice, then cook, after that add a bit of vinegar...then make it into that kind of shape...at least try to make into that kind of shape..and just place the out of shape salmon on top...i used smoked salmon from sainsburys...and kikkoman soy sauce...DONT LAUGH!!!i know, the sushi-ses look odd and out of shape...

um...stealing to eat while making!
very dedicated!!

hmm...for those in sibu, what do u think of "sushi wong"? those in kl, "sushi king wong"? rm1 for 2? sell-able? hahaha!! oh ya...i forgot to tell u how does it taste like..um...i think its not bad...seriously...that is according to my slightly biased opinion. but i bet jamie oliver would agree with me. -.-||| merry xmas!

24 Dec

xmas eve...started the day with waking up!! ok..lame...so i studied....until 1pm. got ready to head to chinatown to meet my bro and frens forr..............DIM SUM! yup! dim sum in london! all in all we paid 7pounds per head..its not too bad a deal...i think its half price today...me and my bro....i look pregnant...somehow..but i am not that fat..and its really not my tummy!!! its the jacket!
me and my bro...
my bro's frens...
food...or maybe the leftover...haha
more fooD!!
my bro's frens...

cheers to dimsum! a place definitely to go if there is ever half price again, or even better, buffet. if buffet, i will visit every week! haha..jk. but i will go for buffet if its cheap. but i am dreaming. it wil nvr happen. not in london.. quite full...yum! but i still miss kampua! the best in sibu, kuching and some say miri!

Saturday 15 December 2007

5.15am! - bribery!!

great! 5.15am fire drill.....very nice....it was freezing cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was wearing a jacket, a hoodie, and a t-shirt! and i was shivering! it was under 0 i think! at least, i feel so...all of us were freezing, i could tell...well, its not fire drill i heard. Some idiots smoked in the common room...at 515 am! why are they so free??! dont they have to sleep??!...pray for my peace in this hall!!!
ok...right after that fire alarm..the next day...they tried to bribe us...by having a xmas dinner...the bursar and the wardennial team were there to serve white and red wine for us...i, pretend-to-know-how-to-drink-ly, took a cup of white wine...i was lucky to have a cup of apple juice with me...otherwise....haha...they would have to mop the floor...i 'd better stick to my juice...the bursar, i have to admit, was cute that day, in the xmas hat...i tried to take his photo, but couldnt...haha....me - i know i am ugly...grrr...
my friend from china
my friend from china


haha! today i went to my bro's place to eat...chinese meal of course...but, all spicy!! not exactly spicy...i got 2 different type of chicken curry, and a sambal prawn and broccoli...WHY! you might ask, 2 curry and a sambal??...well, because one of their housemate is not home, who cant eat hot stuff. so they took the chance to cook all the curry and sambal...i had fudge cake, and...something i dont know what, with custard cream inside when u bite, and coated with choc on the outside...yum!! was so so so so full...yesterday i went to eat at chinatown...at "wong kei" - famous for being cheap but rude, among my frens...yeah, its relatively cheaper, and big portion but oily...i brought a fren from KL there. and his dad chia!! haha...oh ya! YM, i walked pass the four season restaurant!! but didnt see the price of the duck...still got chance to eat...yum!!! i ate eel for the 1st time in my life...and i dont like it. its oily...and, doesnt taste nice...my KL fren took photos, so i will upload the food and stuff when he sends them to me la!


OK...i know x'mas is here...and I thought i should tell you guys abit about atmosphere at the moment, seeing the advent of x'mas in London...so, first of all, there are some changes in my hall...first, you should know that my hall to me is a very hardcore place. either you fight, or you suffer. So, my friends talked to the warden and the bursar...and they had quite an argument. Need less to say, the management won. My friends gave up...and yesterday, my water supply waas cut off!! and i had not have my shower...previously, there were only frequent problems with supply of hot water, and now, there is not even a drop of water...not even the not-very-welcomed cold water...now i know we must appreciate water...when there is some...haha..so guess what, i didnt shower yesterday!...haha...ok...recently, some warmth....some more humane change is introduced - after the long, though still existing, regime of hardships. here are some changes that even the emotionless administration personnels cannot just simple overlook...and only Our God, and Christ has that power!!!
The christmas tree...... the thingy above the reception.... the stairs at the entrance... the 'gateway' of oxford street'...
i will try to take more photos and show more pictures of UK xmas la...but, above all!! i still miss sibu...i miss sibu even if there is flood!! for those who were trapped in the house because of flood, oh well, pray that the rain will stop! for my frens such as ian, jensen, alen, ym, ah liang, ah sung, chu kion, bi ho, aaron and everyone who has a chance to go back, enjoy sibu as much as possible!!!...(sorry ian for what i said about flooding in sibu..just kidding. i am jeles!! but i still want u guys to enjoy!) Merry xmas everyone! during this xmas season, remember that Jesus is the Nativity of xmas, not Santa...miss you all!

Thursday 6 December 2007


It has been a long time since I last updated this blog...sorrrrrrrrrry....getting a bit busy and worried about the amount of work that i need to do over the Christmas holiday...yeah..Xmas is approaching..everyone is going back to their hometown. My UK, HK, SIN, CHINA frens are all goin back...my holiday starts at the end of next week. some of my frens are going back this week. So, this means that the hall will be empty. well, I havent got any picture how Xmas is going to be like for me...yesterday, i looked through the photos of my frens in Friendster. I just realise how much i have missed out. Many things have happened in my fren's lives...and i am not part of them. sad sad...getting really tired these few weeks, maybe because it is the end of the term. i need red bull!! It has been one long term. Looking back, my lecture started on 24.9.07, and it is now 6.12.07. Its nearly three months that I have been in London, since 15.9.2007. anyway, I think condition will be better in the second term, i hope. The christmas break is not really a break. We need to study for the exam and there are only 3 weeks to do that. I need sleep. haha...this is like the most depressing post in my blog! oh ya, there is a song player down there in my blog, the songs I provide might not always be nice. So, u can just pause it. Cheers guys! enjoy your break! for all spm-ers enjoy ur 3 months break, except for those going for the january intake, and for stpm-ers, enjoy your 6months break. oh ya, for those goin for national service, enjoy too! bye for now....

Monday 26 November 2007

my Hall...just PERFECT!

haha, just have a look at the washing machine in my halls...lol...all the dryers are spoilt...and only 2 washing machine works...just before you think ,"i dont need dryer", haha. We dont normally have a place to hang clothes in the UK. so, we need dryer!! me and my fren waiting for washing machine...grrrr.....haha. i wear so randomly..lol...well, everyone does here....at least in hall. there are so many problems with the hall! we have our gas ventilation being cut off at 6pm, so no food after that. No hot water to shower at times, OFTEN. then we have internet problem sometimes. Fire alarm doesnt work. The lift breaks down so so often, with people trapped inside.haha..so funny, and they started to drink in the lift while waiting for firemen...everyone got a bit drunk...oh ya, and the worst part, the bursar doesnt seem to care when we complain. cis, until someone tried to use legal means! legal claim la...while, still thinking, at least...hahaa....

New shoes!

ok...i bought a new shoes at The Officers Club at Oxford Street..because my old shoes spoilt..got hole...and it has been really wet in London, it rained for a continuous 3 days! and my socks were all wet..i dont even dare to touch...haha, so bought a new one, for 17pounds...and i found VERY nice jumpers and winter jackets in that shop..i am gona buy! oxford street is a shopping paradise...and when everything is converted to pounds...they are just so cheap...please dont convert...otherwise, your desire to shop will be put off. Well, unless you dont mind spending...but some stuff are not really expensive. like jumper, i saw it at 2 for 20pounds...1 for 10 pounds...1 for RM70 isnt too bad..so, it depends...here is my shoes.

VIctory again!

haha, first of all, sori everyone for the late update..have been really busy...and, haha a bit lazy...i wanna do it! but keep procrastinating..sigh sigh...anyway, how are all of you? miss u all! my parents,siblings, family and...frens!
SO, on wednesday, 21nov2007, haha, i know its a bit late...but we (UCL) beat RUMS! its Royal Free and University College Medical School in badminton...the score is 7-1. My captain was absent. So, I, as the stand in captain, take over...hehe! its ok..its great to be able to lead my frens and teamates to victory. one of my frens even said i shud be captain! lol...but, my captain is very mature..he is good! so, just to let u guys have a glimpse at my 'home' court...the pictures below are of my teamates in action..at Somerstown Sports Centre.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

100 ppl mark!!

hahaha!! THANKS guys for everyone who has supported my blog so far! continue to support yea!! thank you! lets recall my short short history of blogging...started off black...until SOMEONE say its depressing...NO, not gona change to follow you ron~ NOW...100!! forgot to take the 0...and,
NO i did not keep click refresh till it reach 100 so that i can take the photo...its coincidental!

Saturday 17 November 2007

mee mamak to london!!!

haha...its not mee mamak...but it looks like mee mamak...trust me...mee mamak is much more better...the food is not nice...and so small portion somemore, so hungry every nite...and the breakfast has been the same for the past 1 month. AND i mean really the same...eggs, croissant, bacon, harshbrown, baked beans, tomato...but cant complain...there is nothing else they can actually cook! and we are gona complain! yay!

mee mamak ....then, the typical dinner in the hall! and

that is why i need to take so much coleslaw....too little!...and the coleslaw is lousy as well...haih...!

look at the yellow broccoli...sigh...the mee look alot but actually 4 bites nia...

water filter!

today, i woke up early to get myself to argos at new oxford street to get a water filter. The water here is disgusting! argggh...you can see the settlement of those chalk on it...and form a layer of "precipitate" lol...(chem)...on it...arghh..then before boiling the water, u will see those white particles (limescale) in the water...after boiling, u will see a layer of white thingy floating on the water...couldnt bear it...so i got myself a water filter...haha better than kl right? there was once, i open the tap in taylors...walao! teh tarik come out..into the washing machine..imagine the clothes..at least its white here...not teh chi peng! haha...water filter 7.99 pounds. 3 catridges 6.49 pounds. argos is a retail shop that sells a whole range of things...from jewelleries to kitchen utensils...like carrefour..but no clothes, no eating de stuff....its just an info for those who havent known, but i guess some of you would have known la...i am so proud of my new water filter! and i dont know why...and i dont know how to arrange the photos...arrgggghhh! i need help!!!!with blogging....!!!

Mooting day!

haha..my first experience mooting..i have never really watched mooting before to even participate..i am off to first round! i had a sort of qualification, self-reflecting round on friday...i was so nervous..and i was just talking without knowing what exactly that i was talking about...lol...but i guess the judges understand..um, overall, it was great! considering i was a first-timer...my partner was really articulate, she was so pro! my opponent, hahaha, not as good la...although they speak fluent english, but they are too colloiqual..so, not too good. lets see what the judges say about me :

Good points:
- VERY good citation of the cases
- good eyes contact with the judges ( haha, they are ladies, of course!..haha...kidding)
- dare to stand up against the judges (if that good? lol, i disagree with my own case's stand when grilled by the judges because i dont know what else to say! but the judges say its good, as long as u keep to ur guns...i guess i did! yeah, it doesn't affect your case)

Bad points:
- confuses "Your Lordship" and "Your Ladyship" ( I practised all the time using Lordship, forgot will have females...haih!)

Conclusion : I think i need to improve!!

First complains!

hahaha...so stupid! i got a few complains regarding my blog.
- not updating enough!
- no photos
- depressing, black
- wordings too small, cant read

LOL....its good! it means someone is actually taking their few minutes to read about me...and, i am honoured! thanks guys! But, i cant change it now...i will do it by christmas ok! i need to learn more about blogging and how to change the things...it will be acceptable by christmas hopefully, so keep give me constructive critics yeah!

Friday 9 November 2007

a Break from english meals!

hmm...just got home from my brother's place..had dinner with him and a couple of his frens...they cooked....steam fish, sweet and sour pork, soup with cuttlefish-fish balls and white carrot and pai ku (pork) and....normal carrot, we also had....greenies...though i didnt touch...and...prawn with some sauce...with shells on. haha...my bro's frens notice i didnt touch the prawn because my rice was white in colour as the prawn was red. they kept asking me to eat prawn and the pork. hehe..AND...one of the frens actually peeled the shell for me.!!!! so paiseh....and she actually hates to do it even for herself! i was so paiseh...hehe...anyway, it was great! a break from my studies...now, i am a bit worried, but...i will start anew tomolo! right! sleepy...tired...but i need to try to read sth b4 i sleep...ciao!

Thursday 8 November 2007

Reading week...

I have a week off! yay! i am actually having a week off now...it ends...today, 9th Nov 2007. I am supposed to write 4 essays. One on each; public law, property law, world legal orders, and contract law. They are all pretty tough. I thought i could easily get away with contract, but its tricky. grrr...i guess i just need to wake up and realise that university is not like college or secondary school anymore. well, i take comfort in knowing everyone is having trouble with the essays..haha...i am a bit pleased.LOL... i finished 3 essays already. 1 more to go...i still have a week to write that essay before it is due on 19th november. But i cant relax because i have got tutorials...and my tutor found out that we didnt do case notes (notes on cases). so he wants to check now...haha...i guess he is the only lecturer in the whole uni that actually checks students' work! haha...tutorials are really tough as well. we have to read at least 150 pages a week. and its not just read. it gets harder when u need to read cases (which i prefer compared to reading ath about world legal orders - extremely hard to understand),and guess what! its not one case, 2 cases. For contract alone, i will need to read up on about 10 cases..so its pretty hard...ei ei , i am way off my original title : reading week! so, my friends got the chance to have a class trip for FREE to stratford for 3 days, and i am stuck here, writing essays...life as a law student. haha...

UCL breaks into top 10 in the world!

surprising!! definitely not!!

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Taste of victory!

yup! its a taste of victory...i am now sitting in front of the computer, chatting on the net...not feel like doing ath..so not me...anyway, i just came home from badminton...um...grab a shower...and here i am..oh ya..i am part of UCL's men's badminton team...so, before u start to think "how on earth did he get into the team? he suck!?" well, i am good enough i guess...and today we won! 6-2. Its a pretty good score...and its a good beginning...um..yeah, there are some really good players and some bad players...my team...is so so la...not too bad...i guess...we beat university of middlesex men's 1st team. yay!