Tuesday 25 December 2007


xmas is now past.
I am far from finishing my studies for the exam in January.
I dont think I can.
I dont dare to hope.
I cant swallow this failure yet again, can I?
I am really pressurized.
pv=pv. I can feel my heart pumping so hard to squeeze the blood through my veins.
on the verge of Snapping.
Pray for me. Please.
Thank you.


fo said...

hey eric, u sure can make it. =)
just chill... well i made through my sem 4. so, God answers prayers. teehee..

will pray for you. don't worry. and geez... do you ever fail???

bRy`brY said...

hey eric...haha..just a Flora said...do u EVER fail??? c'mon..u can do it...n' dun fret so much..keep it calm...think positive n' u're on ur way to success! nywayzzz buddy...i'll keep u in prayers...n' best wishes for ur exam!

God bless!

Anonymous said...

pray for you sincerelly, take it easy. you will make it!!
smile and laugh~~~! then be happy and you will pass finally!

Ms. Dee said...

Erm... these words coming from an almost-always-straight-A's-student???

You worry too much la -.-

Today saw your photo on one of school's bulletin board! ERIC WONG ACIEVED 5A'S IN A LEVELS

You'll do fine. Pray and trust in God. Go read Phebe's blog about worrying -.-