Thursday 6 December 2007


It has been a long time since I last updated this blog...sorrrrrrrrrry....getting a bit busy and worried about the amount of work that i need to do over the Christmas holiday...yeah..Xmas is approaching..everyone is going back to their hometown. My UK, HK, SIN, CHINA frens are all goin holiday starts at the end of next week. some of my frens are going back this week. So, this means that the hall will be empty. well, I havent got any picture how Xmas is going to be like for me...yesterday, i looked through the photos of my frens in Friendster. I just realise how much i have missed out. Many things have happened in my fren's lives...and i am not part of them. sad sad...getting really tired these few weeks, maybe because it is the end of the term. i need red bull!! It has been one long term. Looking back, my lecture started on 24.9.07, and it is now 6.12.07. Its nearly three months that I have been in London, since 15.9.2007. anyway, I think condition will be better in the second term, i hope. The christmas break is not really a break. We need to study for the exam and there are only 3 weeks to do that. I need sleep. haha...this is like the most depressing post in my blog! oh ya, there is a song player down there in my blog, the songs I provide might not always be nice. So, u can just pause it. Cheers guys! enjoy your break! for all spm-ers enjoy ur 3 months break, except for those going for the january intake, and for stpm-ers, enjoy your 6months break. oh ya, for those goin for national service, enjoy too! bye for now....


Anonymous said...

a little sad and a little tired, i mean U, eric!

fo said...

hey you doing law instead of medicine??

yeah the songs you provide really not nice weh... XD