it has been 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days since i first stepped on the soil of this piece of land called England + Wales + Scotland - Ireland. I am looking forward to going home, whenever i am able to. hate thinking about the future. i really hope one day i can remove my love for sibu to wherever i am gona work next time...otherwise, i am doomed. the memories that i have is irreplaceable by any other fond experiences that i might have over here. Anyway, happy chinese new year to everyone! and neutral chinese new year to me! it is new year's eve today. it is11.48pm back in sibu. my family should be sleeping right now. they are going to wake up in roughly 6 hours time to prepare to go to church. my grandparents will wake up in 4-5 hours time to cook "mee sua" for our huge family. and the kids will be out in 6 hours time to play "huo cai pao" or (matches stick cracker...whatever), or dragon's egg. if they dare to play "ta di lei kong (big land lei is....??what is lei? lightning? then...thunder? whatever...)..or chai lei", they will be skinned alive. everyone is gona wear their new clothes soon. usually, i should be at my father's home place called Machan. heading to Kanowit to go to church. usually service starts at 9? or 830? it changes. then we will go to my maternal grandparents house with lots of relatives back too. this year is more special because james, alex and ah hong yi yi and uncle david are back from aus. havent seen uncle daavid in ages!! like 10 years?? he is busy working...anyway, miss the things that i have been doing routinely for time immemorial. since i have memory. and all the food. and all the compliments u will, "eric, grow tall liao oo", "eric, now thinner oo", "eric, now got pimples liao oo", "eric, OLD liao la...dont play that". some how the feeling has changed since last year...maybe because there is no childhood feeling anymore. i dont join the kids for fire crackers time. i used to lead the charge to our armament storage. LOL..wait, have i ever? hmm... anyway, enjoy ur time wherever you are. here i am studying. i have to write 4 essays next week...and hand in at the end of the week. not started yet. busy week ahead... some pictures of the places i mentioned. taken from some iban blog and newspaper. Machan
the ferry carrying the car prior to the completion of the Durin bridge
the bridge before completion. it is now completed. i drove over it before!! li hai le! the new built shade. the white building on the right beside the shade is my grandpa's. aiya, you cant see my room. my room is the second window. the Machan jetty, the very conspicuous jetty on the right is my grandma's sister family's. while the one beside (at the middle of the picture, if you can see like some sort of walking path) is my grandfather's. do you see that shop house? my grandpa's shop house is the first one the left on that row.this is the other side of Machan. my grandfather's shop house is on the 2nd row the first shop house. it is white in colour. Kanowit entrance of kanowit the...sth of is the roundabout at the temple...I THINK. according to my limited bahasa iban understanding, this is taken in dec. during the flood. do u see the yellow building with blue colour window. that is my maternal grandparents' shop house. the building behind , yellow in colour is the kanowit jetty lor... **all pictures taken from blogs, internet and newspaper. sorry for the some low quality pictures. amazing i can even find machan's pic in internet. is the best! no wonder yahoo inc! is gona combine la... **not paid for the adversetisement.
it was in december when i trusted BBC fully. the trust now is gone! it was announced that it would be snowing in london. me - being me - waited faithfully for that tiny thingy to fall from the merciful sky! yay, the time came. i studied BY the window. wait... 1 hour...wait...2 hours...finally, i saw the ground was wet. happily, i ran up the stairs, all the way out of the building, WITHOUT my jacket on, to experience the touch of snow. guess what! it was just mere rain. RAIN. and it is said that tomorrow night, it will be -3C. no, i refuse to be deceived AGAIN! sigh....
i really do feel i am times. it happens so randomly...out of the blue. i did nothing wrong. i have no friends who is sick...well, one. but i didnt play in the rain. i wear coat. what did i do wrong? eating my sick fren's food because the hall's food too little? so too greedy and want to eat more? hmm...that sounds to be the cause. but then again, he is not really sick. he has stomach upset. thats it. wait, i havent announced that i am sick, again. cold and cough. sigh sigh. i am soso so so so weak!!! WHY??? i feel so suffer. by the way, do u know that one of the effects of common cold is loss in weigh! weeee! i am getting thinner!!! -.-
hey! long time no see guys! its 1213am. i am having stomach upset. its not the type when u wanna go toilet. do u know when ur dizzy, and ur world goes spinning like a washing machine, squeezing the last bit of H20 out of the clothes? i feel abit dizzy cum headache and stomach doesnt feel too well. its like my brain is squeezed and the grey matter leaks out of the brain...and a mixer in my stomach, mixing the food i ate! argghh...i have no idea y i blog this...not the best news u guys would wanna hear...haha...i shud probably get an early 1am. nite my friends!
Dear family and friends..... Just want to let you guys know that, I have survived the exam period. But i may not survive the post-exam period. I did badly for my test. Seriously, i think i will fail. Like flora and Bryan pointed out, i have never failed in my whole life. Well, everything has its first time. But it is extremely bad for mine to happen during my undergrad studies. Well, 2 points to comfort me. Firstly, it is not counted. secondly, most people didnt know what they wrote as well. But, being me, I am down right not satisfied with myself. I have decided to study even harder like never before. I managed to keep my laptop in my bag until 7pm yesterday. before surfing for half an hour and head to SAC (a quiet place) to study. Looking at what I manage to accomplish yesterday, the amount of work done, I grinned in satisfaction...I think i havent tried hard enough. I know i can still push it more..and i will. all the way to success!! and for that I need GOd's blessing and God to be with me. Therefore, i need to grow spiritually too. ok. I will do just that. Its always an extra boost with God by your side. Its just like even if you have just studied for a week, you know you have covered 2 weeks stuff. or its just me? lol...anyway, i need time to regain my confidence after this knock. so continue to pray for me guys, for my spiritual growth and my time management, studies, confidence. I wana say lots of THANK YOU to all that have prayed for me over the week/s or day/s. I continuously need your prayers...if u remember, do just add "........and eric too" ok ok??? haha...thanks!
p/s i am still sad now...though i might not sound so..i still am.
Friends. xmas is now past. I am far from finishing my studies for the exam in January. I dont think I can. I dont dare to hope. I cant swallow this failure yet again, can I? I am really pressurized. pv=pv. I can feel my heart pumping so hard to squeeze the blood through my veins. on the verge of Snapping. Pray for me. Please. Thank you.
Due to the limited time that I have to spend to update, is it a wise choice to close down this blog? This is also beneficial for all of you guys as you will have one blog less to spend time on. haha
hey!! let"s chat here!! *please avoid using pseudonym. well appreciated.
The Bible is my inspiration to lead the life pleasing in His eyes. All glory be unto HIM!